If you are looking at remodelling, the best time to start is when you are ready. However, you may want to consider a few aspects like what would be the ideal season weatherwise to start such a project, what time of the year can you get great deals on the raw material and if you will be able to commit to such a big project with realistic timelines, especially if you have work and personal things going on.

Based on research, experts recommend starting a remodelling project in the fall or springtime, when the weather is relatively dry and suitable. In general, wet seasons which may be rainy and windy are the least suitable seasons for starting a project. But if you are one of those who want to start your project and are looking for the best option and time, we have you covered.

Remodelling Between January And March – Cost-Efficient But Slow

If you have decided to start your project in January, beware of the cold weather. Having stated the obvious, it may not be such a bad time to start a new project after all. Firstly, as the ground is frozen, and the air is dry, it may be a good time to start an addition since frozen grounds are good for digging and pouring concrete as compared to humid weather and muddy grounds. Once your foundation for the addition is completed and the room is ready for the season, you can cover it up for spring. Also, most winter months tend to be slow for builders as everyone awaits spring and tax refunds before they begin their home remodelling.

April To June – Pricey But Smart Time For Remodelling

Yes! You guessed it right. April to June is definitely one of the busiest times for builders. As they are in high demand, you are likely to pay a premium price for their services. Spring is one of the busiest seasons as far as remodelling projects are concerned. Firstly, because people are ready to come out of their winter hibernation and want a change and secondly, with filed taxes, people have the flexibility to budget money for their projects. This time frame is especially suitable for outdoor projects like decks and patios or even outdoor room extensions as the ground in springtime is softer for digging.

July To September – Best Time For Indoor And Roofing Projects

If you are looking at indoor renovations, summers are usually the best time. This is the best season for roofing projects as well because they need higher temperatures to seal. However, depending on the season, builders will be cautious to stay away from exceptionally hot days. Though it may be a good idea to plan your next remodelling project when you are away with your family for a summer holiday, you may want to employ a trustworthy contractor to make sure things are progressing well in your absence.

October Through December – Time For Outdoor And New Constructions

The first part of this season is ideal for outdoor work but generally, builders are expected to be towards the end of their project by this time. By mid-November, most homeowners want projects finished and homes ready for the upcoming festive season. The business is slower and materials are likely to be cheaper.

The author is a remodelling expert with Alex Chong Building, who specializes in remodelling and construction projects for houses, interiors, basement, and bathroom renovations London Ontario. They are an all-service construction firm offering state-of-the-class services in all kinds of construction and remodelling projects.