There are some things that are best left to professionals. Home renovation is one such thing. DIY may sound like fun, but it can turn out to be much more exhausting and exasperating than you were prepared for. Don’t fall into that trap. Steer clear of these seven common renovation mistakes before they drain you and your savings.

Plan Every Detail

Good home renovations start with a good plan that outlines all details. Prepare well or better yet, hire an expert to do the planning for you if it’s too tedious or time-consuming. Contractors can foresee situations that you can’t and take them into account when drawing up the ideas. They can also help you with a Plan B with Plan A doesn’t work. Remember, there is no shortcut to success. The more thorough you are, the better the results.

Limited Budget

A small budget for big renovation expectations is unrealistic. It is a sure way to invest in cheap materials and poor quality that won’t last you long or stand up to unexpected calamities. Make sure your budget fits with your renovation plans.

Incorrect Measurements

You don’t have to be a mathematician to measure accurately. All you need is a measurement tape. Nothing wastes time and energy than to speculate or measure incorrectly. It is also a waste of good materials. The smallest mistake can double the work and your expenses with it. It is best to have professionals do the measuring for you.

Incorrect Equipment

The wrong tools can waste time and money. They also lead to poor craftsmanship, result in injury, damage your home in an accident and ruin the mood for all. It is imperative to invest in the right equipment of high quality from a trusted source.

Inadequate Lighting

Poor lighting is similarly disastrous. Poor vision in bad light creates the perfect conditions for an accident, injury or poor finish. To avoid such a situation, take the time to change the lights before you begin home renovations. Schedule work in the daytime during spring and summer.

Cluttered Working Space

Clutter always leads to chaos and confusion, and unnecessary delays with it. It is important to be organized before you set out. Throw away junk or unwanted items. Keep important tools and materials close at hand. Make sure you are not working in windy conditions or bad weather. You don’t want important items flying away from you. Clean up dust and debris after the day’s work is done.

Energy Inefficient Renovation

Consider environmentally friendly upgrades when you are ideating renovations. They not only look good but save you electric and other expenses too. Go green whenever you can. Look for energy efficient fixtures and appliances. Hunt out biodegradable items instead of plastic. Consider indoor plants.

Before you start out, make sure you have the proper permits. Condos and apartments in Ontario have strict rules and regulations. You could have an inspector require you to remove all debris after demolishing work and check for faulty electric wiring, structural weakness and payment for damages. The best way to avoid these unwanted situations and extra costs are by hiring experienced contractors for the job.

Alex Chong Building and Renovations, based in London, Ontario, is a full service company that has a long history of home renovations and construction for over 30 years. From ceiling to flooring, attic to basements, kitchen to bathrooms, we do it all.

Contact us for your next upgrade to avoid costly mistakes and take your lifestyle to new levels of beauty and comfort.